Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wise Walls

Jeanette Walls walked into the audience with an elegant dress with a dressy jacket over it and heels. For the majority of our time with her she told stories from her childhood, some from the book and some not. From the many stories she told there two things that really stood out to me and touched my heart.

The first piece of advice that I found so simple yet so true was to just always tell the truth. Her mother told Jeanette that and it served her well. Throughout life I believe truth and honesty are so valuable. Life would be so much simpler if everyone just told the truth. Speak from what you know and come from the heart. Those two things are so valuable in life to me and I want to show that to my family one day.

The second story that really spoke wonders to me was the story she told about her mother falling off the horse. Jeanette was interviewing her mother for her new book and her mom was so happy with how she fell off her horse that day. Jeanette was shocked but after thinking about it, it reminded her of a wise lesson. That lesson was it is all about how you fall. Do matter what life throws at you or what bad times you are going through, it is all about how you fall. For every struggle there is a valuable lesson or gift. You can either feel sorry for yourself or face your demons and bounce back stronger. The hard times are what make you stronger. It is how we deal with these hard times that determine how we fall.

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