Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What You See Doesn't Meet the Eye

From my understanding anything rhetorical is any text or image used to persuade or make an audience think a certain way. I had no clue what a rhetorical device was or what its purpose was. Another thing that seemed to come to a surprise was how many different rhetorical things we come across every day.

One rhetoric example that comes to my mind that I never even thought of being rhetoric is movie previews that we get on TV during commercials. Almost every time after I see a preview for a movie I’m like, “I want to see that so bad when it comes out!” After thinking about this I have to ask myself this question, “Why is it that after almost every single review I instantly want to see that movie?” Movie previews try their best to reach out to their audience.

The movie trailers try to do whatever they can to real you in and grab your attention to fully engage you in what they are selling to you. The music gets faster and louder to create suspicion, clips of important pieces to the movies are revealed but not fully, and the story line is introduced. They leave you wanting more and by that point, you are already hooked and they have you right where they want you.

This is just one example of a visual rhetoric. Whether you are on your way to work, building up your resume, or trying to get out of running with your coach at practice, we are constantly placed in rhetorical situations whether we realize t or not.

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