Monday, September 12, 2011

Questioning Everything

Rhetorical analysis is something everyone does without even knowing it. Now a days, we are all taught to question absolutely everything. Even things that are set in stone facts are often questioned because we believe everything has another meaning or some other reasoning. It's not only writings that can be analyzed, but also cartoons, shows, songs, or anything that sends out some type of message. Rhetorical analyzing takes making a decission about a piece of work to a whole other level because you continuously question your decissions. With writing, sometimes you are left to interpret the meaning of a piece of literature or a poem, and the use of rhetorical analysis can help one to get down to a deeper meaning than just coming u with a one leveled assumption. The same goes when analyzing art. Art usually has a much deeper meaning than what appears on the canvas. Art is something near and dear to my heart, and something I have been involved in since I was very young. When I paint something, it's not just a picture. There are so many other things put into it that make it have meaning and purpose. The use of colors, the softness and curviture of the lines, even the angle of the piece all has meaning. Analyzing art helps one to better understand the meaning of the piece and see what the artist wanted them too.

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