Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Google is evolving how we think

The article "Is Google making us stupid?" is very interesting, and I found it a bit ironic to say the least. A part of the article states that humans as a whole now struggle reading longer documents and retaining the information that we just gathered. Which is funny because this was a long, drawn out article that was difficult to retain the information. In response to the question asked in the title, no I don't believe Google and the internet in general is making us stupider. I think it is just changing the way we think, for better or for worse. Are we less able to absorb information from long articles like we used to? No, and I'll agree with that point, but I don't know how bad of a thing that really is. In this new world we are living in, long essays and old complex books are starting to become a thing of the past. We as a society has changed. We now want, get, and absorb or information instantly. And google helps us do this. We use google, not as a way to cheat out of assigned reading but to get us our information and get us on our way. If you put the information out there is such an attainable way, what else would you expect us to do? So to answer the question, no it isn't making us stupid, it is helping us evolve into this new instant digital way of life.

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