Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is Google Making Us Stupid? How does today's society differs from the past?

The article "Is Google Making Us Stupid," brings up good points about how much society has changed in the past few decades. Times have changed significantly from the time our parents were in college and now that we are in college. Kids today do not know any different though, because we have grown up our whole lives with a lot of technology in our lives. From computers, cell phones, navigation devices, and more, we have always lived our lives dependent on these forms of technology. Having the internet to rely on is something that I have always taken for granted. Our lives today would be significantly different if we did not have an internet source to do school work. The internet is not necessarily a need, but it is definitely useful and has helped me out a lot over the years. Growing up, my family always had a computer, so I learned how to use technology at an early age. I can see both sides of the arguement as to why people may or may not like the fact that everybody uses technology in everyday life. I can see that people do not like it, because they grew up in an old-fashioned home that never had the luxery of having new technology. These people still lived life the same, but they found different sources of information. This form of gathering information made people read more, which is why scientists today think that todays generation is "stupid." People today still read a lot, but we just read online more often. The fact of the matter is that everybody grows up in different lifestyles, which determines how that person is going to grow up and use or not use technology to their benefit. If people do not want to use technology, it is still very easy to just go to the library and get the same information out of a textbook.

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