Sunday, September 11, 2011

Living Lightly Fair

Over the weekend I attended the Living Lightly fair at the Minnestrista Cultural Center right off of campus (actually, it might still be on campus territory... I'm not sure). There was a good turn out and there were people coming and going all day. There were approximately 40 plus booths all promoting ‘Going Green.' There were several booths promoting Ball State student departments and organizations that thrive to make campus greener.

The Ball State Energy Active Team (Beat) is an organization that is trying to get new students to save energy by turning off their lights when they leave, using power energy saving power strips, and replacing light bulbs with CFL light-bulbs. They also decorate their rooms with the motto "reduce, reuse, and recycle." There will also be a competition later this year for energy sufficiency through the campus halls.

There were also booths promoting the use of recycled glass for making arts and crafts, to "Freecycling," which is basically like a free online garage sale, to architects building Eco-friendly homes.

At the fair, Drew Baker, a Ball State student was dressed up as a tree. There was also a place for people to get creative by making clay fish. There were places to get organic ice cream and there were organic suckers being handed out.

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