Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Little Help Can Go a Long Way

Today, I was able to meet with Mrs. Evans to discuss my rhetorical analysis writing. Each student signed up for a fifteen minute conference with Mrs. Evans to discuss our writings. I enjoyed having the opportunity to have a one on one conference with Mrs. Evans. Class being canceled for two days was a wonderful idea. During class it is too difficult for Mrs. Evans to help each student during class. With conferences she is able to help you and only you. I appreciate the feedback that Mrs. Evan gave to me. Mrs. Evans was kind enough to point out my errors in my paper.

Throughout the conference Mrs. Evans, made my mistakes clear to me, and help me correct them. Peer editing is an efficient way to improve your writing. Mrs. Evans is giving students over a week to improve their writing. During this week students should have others read their papers as well. There is no such thing as to much peer editing. Writing is an ongoing process that takes time to get your paper perfect. I have been able to experience peer editing in two ways. On our first paper we did the peer editing process in class. I enjoyed this because five students had the opportunity to read my paper. This helped me correct all my errors in my paper. On this paper we all had the opportunity for Mrs. Evans to help us with our papers. I am glad that these conferences are possible. Conferences never happened during high school. In fifteen minutes I feel like I got a lot of feedback and now am able to improve my paper.

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