Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Envison CH.1: Rhetoric is More Than Just Text

Envision Ch.1 helped me understand more clearly that there is a lot more rhetoric being used than in just writing. I did not realize that rhetoric could be applied in so many different formats such as: advertisements, commercials, artwork, comics, and videos. Rhetoric is applied in many different ways but always has the same goal no matter what format or context it is put in which according to Aristotle rhetoric is the ability to discern the available means of persuasion in any given situation. Which means being able to understand what audience you are speaking to and how to convince them that your argument is worthwhile and important to acknowledge.

The “Strategies for Analyzing Texts Rhetorically” helped explain how to analyze text that went along with visuals such as a comic. It also explains how to analyze just text but I feel it was more important and better that it specified how to look at the text and what to look for. For example in the book it said “ if you look closely at the details-the address to a specific audience, the words if the characters in the cartoon, and the message made through the combination of image and text- then you can gain a deeper meaning of the cartoon’s argument.”

Also the article example “I was a tool of Satan” by Doug Marelette was a great way to understand how to look for and analyze the text and how to write using rhetoric too. It helped me see how to write rhetoric from a professional standpoint. Also being able to analyze the simpler student writing was helpful because it made the idea of writing in rhetoric and understanding it easier and simple.

Holly Demaree

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