Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Proof Proof

Hello, I am Spencer Toby and I wrote the class summary for Tuesday September 6, 2011.

Class began with Mrs. Evans talking to us about our memoirs. She went into more detail about how she went about reading our rough drafts and correcting our mistakes. She explained what the side notes and highlighted words meant. Then she briefly talked about our next paper we are writing. Mrs. Evans said that we would find it very helpful to read chapter one of Envision before we begin writing because it is about analyzing texts and our next paper is a rhetorical assignment.

After she was finished informing us, in our small groups, switched our memoirs and began peer editing. This took a huge chunk of class time, so for majority the classroom was absolutely silent. Everyone was concentrating on editing their classmates paper to the best of their ability. I read about the Colts vs. Jaguars game on October 22, 2007, a Fourth of July that took place at Victory Field for the Indians game, which was followed by an amazing fireworks show. And then I read about family struggles that helped build a girls character.

Once everyone was done peer editing, Mrs. Evans had everyone pull up an article online. It was called “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr. We began reading it and the article was about how today’s research and school related activities are powered by the Internet. Carr talked about how he used to love to read books and how could sit down for hours and throw himself into another world. But now days, he struggles to read 4-5 paragraphs due to the Internet making reading quicker and smoother. We are to finish reading this article by Thursday and our final memoir drafts are due Thursday, September 8th, as well!

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