Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Google Article

After reading the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, I began to reflect on the effects of reading and writing on the internet. It is true that we get easily distracted on the internet. Technology is all around us and it is one click away. It is often hard for me to read articles on the internet. My attention slowly starts to go somewhere else and I start to skim instead of actually reading the article. I also think that it affects our writing to some extent. In my opinion I always do my best writing on paper my thoughts flow out more rapidly than they do on the computer. When I type on the computer I constantly stare at the word count and sometimes just making up nonsense to finish an essay.
Even though I believe the internet has changed some aspects of literature I believe that Carr is over exaggerating. He goes to great lengths to prove all the negatives of the internet but not the positives. Without internet his article would not be accessible to everyone and without the internet most people wouldn’t read it is now an inconvenience in our society to go to the library and check out a book or go to a bookstore. We now read of our iPad’s and kindle’s instead of flipping the pages of a book. Therefore the internet has had positive effects on the way we read. Even though I do agree with Carr’s article he is bias because of what generation he comes from.

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