Sunday, September 4, 2011

Class Observations from 9/1/2011

Hey everyone, my name is Jon Clawson and I observed the class for us Thursday September 1st. When we got there the 1st draft of our memoir was due. Mrs. Evans first wanted to tie up any loose ends on the ways we were supposed to submit our writing assignments online. All "major writing assignments" are to be submitted to Blackboard. And not just the final product, she would like all of our drafts to be submitted to their. Some kids, myself included, had posted it to the class blog. She was ok with that and gave us until 5 that night to fix it. Then, she had us break up into groups of 4 and do peer reviews of our own memoirs. She 1st read her memoir for us. It was about how she always liked to touch things as a child and then smell her hands. Her mother always got angry so then she had to hide her smelling her hands. She used her story simply as an example for us. We then broke up into our groups and read all of our stories to each other. I won’t get into the detail of what my group mates said, but they all had very good stories. My story was goofy, so I didn’t think it was very good…but I digress. After about 30 or so minutes in our groups, Mrs. Evans spoke again explaining what we had on the agenda for the future, and class was dismissed. Observation wish, it was a pretty easy class.

On a side note: I’m writing this Sunday. I went to the football game last night, and guess what? Our classmate Jahwan Edwards did English 103 8-8:50 proud. He had 84 yards on 16 carries. As a freshman, that is pretty impressive. So Jahwan if you read this, congrats buddy! Luke and I had a Jahwan Edwards chant started for you.

Take care all, Jon Clawson.

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