Thursday, November 10, 2011

Found a straight guy talking about cause of homosexuality, trying to give it a biological bend #thatsabravedude #goodluck

My argument is that homosexuality is biological. Each side of the argument has strong research and equally strong support. I think its biological because I would be dumb founded to believe people choose to be gay, to set themselves aside from society and be ridiculed and persecuted to no end.

I also have some hard scientific studies to back up my belief. One such study is a twin study. The study looked at a number of twins and found that if one twin was gay, that there was an increased chance that the other was also gay. However, the number of both twins being homosexual was more than doubled when they were identical rather than fraternal. Why does this mater? Because their DNA would be much closer in identical twins than fraternal. It also takes into account where a homosexual son is adopted into the family. In this case, there is only a 5percent chance that another child is gay.

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