Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Drafting and Organizing

Drafting is a very important part in creating anything. Writing a research paper is almost just like making a film when it comes to organizing it and putting things together. In chapter 6 it says the first thing they say you have to do is find all of your resources and information you plan on using to write your paper and try and figure out how they relater to each other. One way you can organize your information is by creating a bubble web where you arrange your information into different categories using shapes and color. Another way that you are able to organize your information is by making graphic flowcharts. This where you list one of your ideas and draw arrows to show the cause and effect and relationship between other ideas. After you have done this you are able to make an outline by using all that information. Outlines help you put your information in order in a way that will make your paper flow from one idea to another. Making a formal outline consist of a detailed list that uses numbers and letters to indicate subsections of your argumentative paper. It also helps you create ides within the body to make your paper longer. Using subheads while making your outline help guide readers on what your arguing about, they are labeled headings for each subsection in your outline. After you are done with your outline you can start writing your paper. When writing make sure you have really good transitions to help your paper flow to the next idea.

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