Monday, November 7, 2011

The Scavenger Hunt

About a month ago, our class individually went to the Bracken library and did a little scavenger hunt. We printed out a sheet to go by and do different tasks on each floor. We learned about the music, book, and movie collection, etc. There were times that we had to look up the number on the side of the book (call number). This hunt in the library caused us to all learn just a little bit more about Bracken Library and how to work the system. It seemed like it was going to be a pain to go do this assignment, but as a freshman, this helped a lot.
After going to the library by ourselves, we went as a class and got a tutorial of how to use card cat and resources like that. It was a very helpful assignment and class period because now whenever I go to the library I don't need to look like a lost little freshman that doesn't know what she's doing. Plus, it'll be faster and easier so I don't have to ask a librarian to help me. If anyone ever needs any help, they can always go online and ask a librarian. This is especially helpful when you're stuck in your dorm room and it's not a difficult question and just a simple one that needs to be answered quickly. Also, if you're craving some coffee or a snack, there's a little cafe in the library that is incredibly helpful for those late night cravings. The library is a great place to study and get homework done efficiently.

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