Monday, November 21, 2011

Group Collaboration Requires Collective Thought

This group project that we are currently working on is by no means my first assignment I've ever worked on in a group setting, and I'd be shocked if that's not the case for virtually everyone in the class. To be perfectly honest, it's not exactly a new rodeo, but this journal has made me take a closer look at what it takes to effectively work as a group, and that's what I want to break down right now.

  1. Know your group - I think it goes nearly without saying that people that don't know each other won't work well together. That's why I think it's so important for members of a group to find common ground, even if that ground only relates to the task at hand. It seems to me that the number 1 most important thing is communication. If everyone has a defined role, and they're aware of it, group work will go far more smoothly than in a chaotic situation.
  2. Voice opinions - We've all likely been in a group where 1 person throws out all the ideas, no one responds, and the group goes with those original ideas with little to no input from anyone else. I'm not saying that everyone in the group needs to be confrontational, but members of the group need to be willing to voice their opinions, and yes disagreement, if that's how they feel. After all, you don't want to be working with other peoples' ideas all the time, right?
  3. Group think - What is better for the group? In a setting where we're all working on our own projects, what's best for us is best for everyone, but in a group setting, that all changes. As I mentioned above, communication is key, but that's worthless if no one is willing to compromise. Essentially, that's what this project is all about. We're developing the ability to put independent opinions together that form a product that is greater than the sum of its parts.
I hope this was helpful to someone. Just thinking about it as I write this is making me rethink some of what I've thought about the project. Happy Turkey Day everyone!

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