Thursday, November 10, 2011

The fashion industry and eating disorders: a thin line of beauty

I believe that the fashion industry has an influence on eating disorders and body image issues. The industry doesn’t just have an impact on average women but models as well. Models are dying and collapsing at runway shows do to eating disorders. The pressure to be thin is constantly there. The industry is like a vicious circle in a way. It starts within the industry, the designers put pressure on the models and when average women see models they feel as if they need to be thin, it’s a cycle. If models weren’t so thin and if designers didn’t showcase all their lines in a size 2 the pressure wouldn’t be as prevalent. If the fashion industry illustrated a healthier image then they wouldn’t have as big as an influence. However fashion is art and art is manipulated and unrealistic, and because of this models are made to be at a size that is unlikely for most women.


  1. "a thin line" Nice play on words.

  2. I would argue, just playing devil's advocate, that the issue of eating disorders affects models way more than the average woman "The industry doesn’t just have an impact on average women but models as well." Other than that, interesting article.

  3. I completely agree with you! Young girls start out at a young age feeling pressured to be thin. They see Barbie Dolls and stick thin models and think that's what beautiful is. They then grow up feeling like they have to strive to look like that, and only that and it messes up they're habits when they grow up. The fashion industry is a wonderful thing, but they're manipulating their power and it's not for anything good.
