Wednesday, December 7, 2011

pursausion skills

In chapter 2 understanding strategies or persuasion I learned that there are different type of ad arguments. The ones mentioned in the text was narration, comparison-contrast, cause and effect, definition. Theses strategies are equally effectively both visual and writing texts. In the text they talked about the famous quote "this is your brain on drugs" this quote is an analogy. An analogy is a comparison to something else. The chapter moves to understanding rhetorical appeals and how logos, pathos, and ethos is the heart of persuasion dating back to 500 BCE. They continued to talk about each one individual when logos is used you will probably tend to see quotations and statistics about advertising present. Pathos is used to an intimate connection with the audience and they talked about exaggerated use of pathos. The three forms of pathos use when exaggerarting are scretactic , slippery slope, and false need. Ethos was the last talked about the chapter says everytime you pick up a pen or proofread a paper. This all the important things i gathered after reading this chapter.

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