Thursday, December 8, 2011

CH 7: Plagiarism

To reach rhetorical perfection one must have credibility. When someone does not have credibility they must use the word of someone who does. People have always studied the greatest minds of rhetoric studying word choice, organization, and rhythm. At times people often copy the text itself, but when doing so one should be cautious to provide proper documentation or risk plagiarism. Plagiarism is using someone elses work and thoughts and calling them your own. to avoid plagiarism one should always keep in mind that you should only use other writers as backup, and develop effective ways of note taking while reading through your sources. Be sure to cite the sources that you use. There are four different documentation styles: MLA, APA, CSE, and Chicago format. MLA format stands for the Modern Language Association. It’s used with writing philosophy and literature usually by teachers and scholars. APA format stands for the American psychological Association and is used by social scientists and psychologists. CSE format stands for the Council of Science Editors and is used for physics and biology. Chicago format stands for the University of Chicago used by professional writers, business writers and those in fine arts department. Also get used to including in-text citations.

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