Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Funniest People You've Never Heard Of

Earlier this year I went to a show at Emens called “The Second City”. Naturally, not many students knew what they were all about. I vaguely had an idea just because my brother practices in a similar field as them. “The Second City” is a comedy troupe from Chicago, Illinois. They are a very famous group. Many of their members go on to bigger or better things, such as Saturday Night Live and many movies. Some famous alumni are Dan Aykroyd, Steve Carell, and Amy Poehler. What they do is called sketch comedy. Essentially they have a set of predetermined skits they perform but they also did a few impromptu things. This was a fantastic show. The group was on fire. The crowd was extremely receptive. It was a great time.

I remember a few great skits they did for us. My personal favorite from that night was one they did about two men at a NASCAR event. They were your prototypical red necks at a NASCAR event, but as you heard them begin to talk they were very intelligent and insightful. Talking about President Obama’s health care plan and the oppression of women in the Middle East. It was very funny. Another thing I really enjoyed was the Angry Birds musical/drama they did. It was a Shakespearian drama very similar to Romeo and Juliet, but it was with the Angry Birds characters.

All in all it was a very good show. I really wish Ball State would bring in acts like this more often.

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